
A collection of past and current projects

Fractal Voyager

CS Honors Thesis, advised by Kevin Angstadt

Fractal Voyager is a fractal generating web application to assist in complex dynamics research. It includes a simple scripting language based on Fractal Stream. This language, in conjunction with app features, enables users to generate and explore fractals based on inputted scripts representing iterative functions and conditions.

Sudoku Graph Theory

Web application to visualize, play, and solve sudoku graphs

The web app allows users to solve sudoku puzzles in grid or graph form. It features backtracking algorithms to create a valid grid based on a given number of digits, and automatically solve (with animations) the puzzle with vertex graph coloring.

3D Julia Set Transformations - In Progress

An extension onto Fractal Voyager

The purpose of this project is to create 3D shapes from julia set transformations. On Fractal Voyager, a user will draw a line across a parameter plane fractal. Then, the code will run and it will produce an stl file which is made up of julia sets (dynamical plane fractals) along that line in 3D space. This will be a solid shape.

Mountain Project Climbing Web Scrapper & Database

Databases class final project

Designed and provisioned a relational database to hold data from a social media driven rock climbing guidebook: Mountain Project. The data for the database was gathered via a web scrapper that collected approximately ten percent of all the data on the guidebook application, corresponding to over one million rows in one of the tables. The database was used to write complex SQL queries to gain insights on climbing communities and areas.

Crossword Generator Web App

Small project to assist in crossword creation

Given a partially filled or empty crossword grid, an algorithm uses a dictionary of words to generate a valid crossword if one is possible. The backtracking algorithm uses an ordered trie data structure to generate the grid. In addition to the algorithm, I wrote a web app that allows users to create their own partially filled grid using NYT style grid navigation and upload their own words to be included in the dictionary.
I abandoned this project before adding a large dictionary because I found a great tool already out there: Crosshare.

Automated Venmo Rent and Utilities Tool

A small project someone may find useful

This tool has two functions: 1) automatically paying my rent via venmo every month, and 2) scraping my emails for utilities charges and requesting my housemates for their share. I built this because doing it manually was getting to be a pain, and I thought there must be a better way.
*Code walkthrough to come*